Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman

Path with Harmony
Qigong for Health and Awakening
8 Week Series
Live Online Classes
Monday Evening at 7 pm CST
August 14th - October 2nd
All classes are recorded. Every participant will receive the recording.
Welcome to Path With Harmony!
Welcome Healers, Councilors, Coaches, and Guides!
My name is Maria Chowdhury, and I'm inviting you to a Five Element Qigong Sacred Energy Arts Practice for Healers and Sacred Space Holders.
Five Element Qigong is a branch of traditional Chinese Medicine. And it follows the Tao and the path of the sun. It honors each season with an element, organ system, meridian lines, sound, color, emotion, animal, archetype, herbs, food, Qigong movements, time of day, and so much more!
The Elements support you to be centered and aligned so you can respond in the present moment appropriately.
As a spiritually awakening woman who holds a healing presence for your family, your clients, and team members, it is essential to know what season of life you are in and be full in that season of life before you rush to the next one without integrating and digesting the gifts and lessons available to you right here and right now.
I'm curious
Do you feel like you are going from one thing to the next without fully integrating first?
What is it costing you to stay in the go go state?
How do you feel when you accomplish something?
Do you celebrate your wins and harvest the wisdom of the experience?
Do you worry that you are not enough no matter how much you accomplish?
Do you trust your instincts and intuition to guide you?
Do you put everyone else's needs before your own?
Do you know you have exceptional skills to share with your clients but feel depleted after your sessions?
Are you looking for new ways to amplify your innate healing abilities?
"The Tao is called the Great Mother.
Empty yet inexhaustable, it gives birth to infinate worlds (made of elements).
It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want."
Lao Tzu
Tao Te Ching #6
Five Element Qigong can simultaneously be incredibly simple and/or deeply nuanced.
In this Qigong offering, I'm sharing with you a simple yet robust practice that you can tailor to suit your needs as you embark on your own self-healing practice to nourish, center, and align with the healthiest version of you. From there, everything and everyone around you is also nourished, centered, and aligned.
The videos teach you about the three layers of meaning of the Five Element practice.
In brief, you will learn a grounded “healing framework” for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health with nothing but simple, easy-to-understand healing Qigong movements.
Introduction to Five Element Qigong and the three layers of meaning- Jing
Introduction to Five Element Qigong and the three layers of meaning- Qi
Introduction to Five Element Qigong and the three layers of meaning- Shen
This practice will work on all three layers.
Who is this for?
This is the perfect practice to start a Qigong healing journey. You will establish a solid foundation that you can build on for years to come.
Body Workers
If you are a massage therapist, acupuncturist, or shamanic practitioner, this practice will enhance your ability to feel, move, or clear stuck energy in your client and help you not take on their pain or feel exhausted after a session.
Care Givers
If you are the person that takes care of children, elderly parents, or clients. Consider joining us to refill your cup so you are not depleted and can continue giving freely.
Qigong Practitioners
If you have been practicing with me for a while and now you are ready to integrate what you have learned into a cohered personal practice.
Transformational Facilitators
If you are creating transformational journeys or ceremonies, it is essential that you embody the process of transformation; the generating and controlling cycles of the elements support you in doing that.
Doctors and Nurses
Being the expert and having all the answers and solutions to fix other people's health issues can be exhausting and isolating. Consistent Qigong practice can reconnect you with your power and keep you healthy and vibrant too!
Energy Workers
If you are already a skilled energy worker and offer your services to clients, this practice will amplify and clarify the ways you wield life force energy.
Councilors and Coaches
If you are the person that people come to for guidance, support, and wisdom, this practice will enhance your ability to hold space for others while not taking on their energy.
Everyone on a Personal Healing Journey
Whether you received a diagnosis or are on a lifelong journey to maintain your health and vitality, this practice is the foundation for longevity, vitality, and wellness.
"Maria creates a sacred space that is so much more than just qigong. Within these sessions, I notice I am connecting to the ancient lineage and potency of these movements, while also experiencing a deepening connection to my own capacity to heal and expand this body. There is such sweetness in exploring this embodiment practice within the holding space of other women who are also deepening into their own power and vulnerability. Maria creates a safe space for us to lean in to our edges, opening to the healing potential within each one of us, that is potentiated in the holding of the whole circle of women."
Jaime K. Hardy, Ph.D.
Qigong practioner
Five Element Qigong is a practice that teaches us how to harness the gifts of nature and the seasons for personal growth, empowerment, and healing.
In the Five Element Qigong practice we will connect with and gather the elemental energies to support our ability to:
Improve our digestion and metabolism to nourish our bodies
Integrate our emotional and spiritual experiences
Breathe better and have a strong Immune system
Relieve low back pain, stiffness and sleep more soundly
Transform stress into vitality
Become more resilient
Increase longevity
Improve heart health
Be centered and aligned with your power, passion, and purpose.
Feel good in your body, have a warm open heart, and a clear mind.
One of the things I love about Qigong is how it helps us bring awareness to what is and isn't serving us.
Excessive busyness, hastiness, stress, and keep us in a go-go state, and we often forget or don't know how to celebrate our accomplishments. If we stay in that state, we are in an eternal state of lack and not enoughness.
This leads to depletion, and we lose our passion and shine.
We get lost.
We get Resentful.
We burn out.
We get sick
"Maria is full of embodied feminine wisdom to share! I’ve been acquainted with her for many years, love her herbal offerings, and am so glad that she is now teaching Qi Gong. Qi Gong has long been a favorite of mine, and I’ve enjoyed many classes from different teachers. In Maria’s classes, I'm always pleased and enriched by her unique and heartfelt ways of sharing this ancient form of healing. Thank you, Maria, you bring a new life to this practice!"
Barbara Hannelore
Author, Artist, Mentor
In this 8-week journey, we are traveling through each of the five elements with gentle Qigong flows, standing postures, and guided meditations to have a direct experience with each one to receive the unique medicine it has to offer.

Photo by Kyoht DeviantArt

This is a live journey being offered during the Late Summer Earth Element Season, so in honor of the Earth Element and to honor and empower you as a medicine keeper, you will receive the teachings and embodiment practice of the bear form from the ancient Taoist shamans.
Photo by ContemporaryShaman
"Working with Maria has been a transformative and nourishing experience. Maria's skillful and intuitive approach and her deep understanding of qigong's healing and wellness aspects have inspired harmony within my mind, body, and spirit. I feel rejuvenated after each qigong session. Maria is skilled at creating a sacred container for healing and self-discovery within a group while being mindful of individual hopes and needs. I have found a sense of sisterhood and support in her presence, connecting with other women on the same journey. I highly recommend Maria as a qigong teacher and empathetic guide for those seeking to connect with their inner Self and embrace a supportive community."
Kayley. W
Qigong practitioner
The Earth Element and the Late Summer Season
are Important for Integration
We have a tendency to skip over the late summer season. And it's easy to see why traditionally, we have four seasons:
Spring- Wood
Summer- Fire
Autumn- Metal
Yet, in Qigong practice, we have 5 seasons! Late Summer is often overlooked, and from my perspective, it is central to living a grounded, centered, and nourished life.
We are dynamic cyclical beings in many cycles at the same time.
Sometimes our personal lives, businesses, and relationships are in cycles and seasons that may not match the seasons of nature. Sometimes things end in the summer, and others flourish in the winter.
Practicing qigong for each season helps you embody what is real for you right now, and it gives you tools to integrate your personal experience with what is happening around you regardless of the season you are in. At the end of each season, the energy returns to the earth.
Which season are you in right now?
The 5th season is associated with the Earth Element and equips you to work with all the seasons at once while staying centered, nourished, and grounded because the Earth is at the center of it all.
How would your life improve if you lived in harmony with the elements and seasons?
Let me share with you a little about what to expect in our Five Element Qigong to Embody and Activate Your Inner Healer.
This is a one-of-a-kind transformational experience that is rooted in the earth element, and I will share about all five elements.
Qigong is an ancient Taoist shamanic and inner alchemical practice that is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago.
As alchemists, life is not just happening to us. Life is responding to us. We are creating our lives with intent and purpose by skillfully working with all five elements.
This is a simple yet potent, dare I say, life-changing practice that supports us to feel more grounded, healthy, connected, abundant, and alive!
"To be in a sacred space with Maria is to be held in the field of her wise presence. Her perspective on life, growth, challenges, and potential are both carried and delivered in a way that is light and playful yet profoundly life changing. This combination of playfulness and deep wisdom and care is wonderful to witness and a delight to experience."
Bentley KalawaySinger/Songwriter, Feminine Power Coach/Facilitator
Session 1 Opening Ceremony:
As we open our circle with The Six Healing Sounds Practice, we will begin with the earth element to co-create our container, set potent intentions, and activate our practice by coming to our center and vertical alignment with our personal north star.

Session 2 Metal Element:
Metal is related to the lungs and in this session, we are going to learn breathing practices to change our mood.
Metal is all about creating healthy boundaries, clearing space, sealing energy leaks, and letting go of what no longer serves.
Session 3 Water Element:
Water is related to the kidneys, and in this session, we are going to learn Qigong flowing movements to create a feeling of deep relaxation and trust as we learn to move skillfully with the current of life.

Session 4 Wood Element:
Wood is related to the Liver, and in this session, we are going to learn Qigong practices to nourish our nervous system and help us transform stress into vitality.
Session 5 Fire Element:
Fire is related to the heart, and in this session, we are going to learn Qigong practices movements that tune us to the frequency of love and kindness. We become beacons of light and way showers as we live the embodied path of the divine human.

Session 6 Earth Element:
Earth is related to the stomach, and in this session, we are going to learn Qigong practices that ground us in the present moment and support the integration and digestion of our experiences to transform them into a healthy life and body.
Session 7 The Bear Animal Frolic:
In this session, you will have a direct experience with the bear medicine animal to support you to be in right relation with all beings.

Session 8 Closing Ceremony:
In our final session, we will weave together all the elements into one beautiful five-element practice.
This is when you make the medicine yours and bring it into your life as a modern day medicine woman and Qigong practitioner!

In late summer, we practice The Bear Form from the 5 Animal Frolics because of its association with the Earth Element.
The Bear is one of my favorite forms because it teaches us how powerful we are and how to wield power. The Bear gives us immediate feedback about what we are putting out into the world.
For example, when we take action from a place of disconnection, we get thrown off our center, vs. when we take rooted and aligned action, we can respond to the result of that action more gracefully and grounded.
Ancient Medicine People and Shamans used to observe the bears and watched what they ate. From the bears, medicine men and women learned about which plants were edible, medicinal, and poisonous.
The Bear is a dreamer. And is connected to great inner wisdom and intuition when it emerges from the dream.
The Bear form is associated with the earth and the spleen's energy. It promotes gut health, healthy digestion, and absorption of nutrients and energy.
It also supports you to be more present, nurturing, relaxed, sociable, and in right relation with all beings.
In this 8 week journey through the Five Elements you are learning a grounded “healing framework” for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health with nothing but simple, easy-to-understand healing Qigong movements.
Heart Contribution: $333
What's Included:
8 live 90-minute online Qigong sessions that are held within our sanctuary as sacred ceremonies.
A dedicated Learning Portal to hold replays, teaching materials, guided mediations, practice notes, and bonuses.
Q/A and debrief and meaningful discussion with Maria and the other sisters.
Dedicated Facebook Group for processing, deepening, and support.
Belong to a sisterhood of women who share your same commitment to their personal best.
1 60-minute Q&A session where you can ask anything or share your experience with the practice.
Thursday, September 14th, from 7-8 pm CST.
These appear on your learning portal.
Introduction to the Five Elements Video Series
Guided Mediation for each element
Introduction to Healing Sounds video
Primer on Qigong pdf
Guiding Principles of Qigong pdf
Qigong Arctypal Quiz
“Maria helps me connect to my body’s own energy flow, enhancing my physical and mental awareness that clears away energy blocks keeping my stress and emotions in balance. The movements allow increased circulation enabling a stronger immune system to flourish, providing a great benefit to me during this time of uncertainty. Maria’s class makes you feel at peace when you leave, no matter what is going on around you.”
Sandra Parrotte Oracle and Priestess of the Sacred Feminine Arts

What is Qigong? Pronounced Chi Gong. Qi means life force energy. Gong means work. Simply put, Qigong is energy work to cultivate life force energy. In this program, you will learn simple yet powerful Qigong movements that will support you in embodying the transformational shifts that you are experiencing through the Feminine Power tools and practices.
Is there a replay of every session? Yes, every session is recorded and housed in your learning portal within 72 hours of the live session.
Refund policy-If you are not satisfied after the first session; (August 16th, 2023), you will receive a refund. Please email me so we can discuss this as soon as possible. I will maintain the deposit of $75.
Qigong for the Awakening Woman is an initiatory process for spiritual awareness and awakening. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders or medical conditions. If you have any mental or physical health issues, please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. This initiation requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous, and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes, or are presently in therapy.
Each initiate is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. Path with Harmony/ Qigong for the Awakening Woman and focalizer Maria Chowdhury is not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field. All such training is provided in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.